Tuesday, January 24, 2012

God's Natural World: Peace

God's Natural World: Peace: Peace. What is it? We all long for "World" peace, for wars to cease, for troubles to end. But what about peace within? What can you do to b...


Peace. What is it? We all long for "World" peace, for wars to cease, for troubles to end. But what about peace within?  What can you do to bring your soul peace when all around you is in turmoil and strife?
It seems there is always some crisis with one of my family members.  One needs a hot water heater, one needs car repairs, another needs bills paid and it goes on and on it seems!!!  I'm sure many of you have experienced that and much worse.  I can't imagine what it would be like to have a real calamity touch my life such as losing my home to a storm like some have experienced recently in Alabama. 
The Bible tells us a story of a time when Jesus was out on the Sea of Gallilee with his disciples. Jesus was quite tired from ministering to so many that he fell asleep as the boat went its way. Even when a violent storm came up and threatened to sink the fishing boat, Jesus still slept soundly.  How exhausted he must have been!  Just the sound of thunder wakes me up!!!  His disciples were concerned.  No!  More than concerned.  Even though they were experienced fishermen (some at least) and had experienced storms, this one really frightened them.  They woke up their teacher (Jesus) and begged him to save them as they felt as if they were going to drown.  Calm as a cucumber Jesus rebuked the winds and the waves and all was calm, all was at peace. (Matthew 8:23-27)  I think this action must have frightened the disciples almost as much as the storm they had experienced.  By doing this, Jesus showed that He is Lord over their cimcumstances (whatever they may be.)
Today some of you feel as if you are going to drown because of the circumstances you face. You may feel as if no one cares and perhaps as if there is no way out.  I want to remind you that Jesus does care.  He knows exactly what you are experiencing and is ready to see you through it even if you are not delivered from it fully. 
Isaiah, the great prophet wrote (ch 26:3) "You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you."
Perhaps God is allowing you to experience the storm so that you will find perfect peace in the midst of it by gazing on Him. 
There is an old hymn I dearly love to sing called "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus".
"Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
look full in his wonderful face,
and the things of this world
will grow strangely dim
in the light of his glory and grace."

My friend if you are in a storm of strife, calamity, or unrest in your soul I hope you will look to the ony one who can provide you with perfect peace.

Monday, January 23, 2012


Recently in the news there has been a sad story about a cruise ship that wrecked.  Even now, a week after the incident, rescue workers are trying to locate all the missing passengers.  What caused the ship to wreck?  Did the rocks just grow there over night?  Was it the fault of the map maker not to include the rocks on the map (something the captain suggested?) Was the ship not built tough enough?
No!  It was none of these things.  The captain veered off the usual route that ships travel and decided to come close to an island where he could show off to a friend who lives there. 
What seemed like a pleasurable vacation for many turned into a tradgedy. 

I suspect many who read about this shipwreck just shook their heads and said to themselves something like "what an idiot to have done something so stupid and irresponsible as that!"
Such an obvious act of irresponsibility is easy for us to condemn, yet how many of us do the same thing spiritually?  The Bible tells us plainly what is the right way to live and yet we blatantly deny what God has told us and go our own way.  Sadly, we too will shipwreck our lives by doing this. And sadly as well we tend to put the blame on something else besides ourselves.  "The devil made me do it." or "Everyone is doing it so it must be ok." We veer off course and into dangerous waters thinking no harm will come to us. 

In the book of Joshua we see how Joshua, a man of valor, courage, and leadership was reminded by God to not veer to the right nor to the left and that if he did and if the people of Israel did, then there would be severe consequences.(Joshua 1:7-8)  God was faithful to keep His promises to Joshua just as long as they were faithful to keep true to Him.

Do not think you will be the exception here.  God will not be mocked. Be faithful to follow Him and you will get to your destination safely.