Thursday, March 8, 2012

God's Natural World: Language and Cheap Imitations

God's Natural World: Language and Cheap Imitations: Over the past few years our language has changed. Oh, I'm not speaking about some foreign tongue but the words we use seem to me to define o...

Language and Cheap Immitations

Over the past few years our language has changed. Oh, I'm not speaking about some foreign tongue but the words we use seem to me to define our thought pattern and perhaps even our World View.
We used to use words like "attractive" or "handsome" to describe someone who looks nice.  Now it seems we have traded in those words for "sexy."  We live in a world obsessed with sex.  Its in almost every TV program being produced these days; in most clothing stores in the mall; in lots of magazines; and in the movies we watch.  So why can't we seem to use words which adequately compliment the other person without bringing "sex" into the subject?  I believe it is totally of Satan.  Satan decieves and not by some blatant attempt usually but subtlely.  If he can get us to treat what God made as Holy as trivial and common place then he has succeeded in getting us to settle for less than God's best.  Cheap substitutes don't satisfy.  I know we all have adapted to cheap substitutes and have learned to live with things that once were made to last but now may not even last past the manufacturers warranty.  Needless to say, the cheap immitation isn't what its advertised to be and isn't the "real mccoy."
Relationships as they are portrayed on TV are shallow and seem to center around sexual pleasure rather than building a good, solid foundation and saving sex for marriage with only one partner.  Satan has substituted a cheap immitation of intimacy for the real thing and we've swallowed it hook, line, and sinker!  We are in a society that can't wait for things at all and certainly patience is no longer a virtue.  We want things and so we charge them on credit cards.  Sometimes that's a necessity but many times it is not.  What ever happened to saving our money and setting aside some for our goals in life?
Now you may think that I've digressed from my point of this blog but I assure you I do have a point.
Since we have been conditioned to not wait for things that "satisfy," we also don't learn to build relationships and wait for sex until we are married.  We go for what feels good and besides "everybody is doing it!"  But God does not call us to do what everyone else is doing.
In Ephesians 5 we are called to "Live as children of light...."  We are to "find out what pleases the Lord" and "have nothing to do wiht the fruitless deeds of darkness."

So I challenge you to change your language and use words that uplift the other person.  We can choose to compliment in ways that don't imply we are thinking of that person as a sex object.
Change the way you talk and you will change the way you think.
Be aware of content to which you watch and listen.  You will find it is indeed a "slow fade" to a sinful life and you will not be honoring God with your life but instead you will be a witness for Satan and you will be giving your approval to the "cheap" substitute which does not satisfy in the long run.