What is your favorite Christmas memory?
Perhaps there is a favorite hymn you enjoy at this time of year or something your family does as a Christmas tradition.
When I was a boy there were many things we did at Christmas time. Mom would make us boys do a little Christmas pagent just for she and Dad. One of us would do the song "The Little Drummer Boy," another would sing "Silent Night," and still another might have to read the Christmas story out of Luke.
Eventually we all rebelled and got to where we didn't like "performing" for our parents and any guests that might come to our house on Christmas.
Decorating a Christmas tree is another memory I hold dear. We would go and cut down a cedar usually.
Sometimes we'd have more than one Christmas tree. There would be one on our porch, another in the living room, and then sometimes we'd get a little one all decorated for our bedroom. We'd decorate it with glass ornaments, lights, and tinsel. I'd end up throwing gobs of tinsel on the tree thinking I was really making it pretty. NOT!
We also had a little manger scene with Mary, Joseph, Baby Jesus, Shepeherds, animals, etc.
I think eventually the mice in the attic ate away at our little cresh and destroyed it for good.
Sometimes our little church would combine with the Methodist church and the children would sing Christmas songs for an evening worship service.
One neat thing the youth would do (I was way too young at the time) was to make baskets of fruit for shut ins and take them to them as they sang carols.
I had to stay home with Mom but that meant I got to see Red Skelton on our black and white Philco TV (rabbit ears.) He was soooo funny.
One time we went driving to see Christmas lights. Dad went into a subdivision that had one big circle of homes. He went round and round that subdivision! I thought perhaps he couldn't figure how to get out of there, but perhaps he was just being lazy and didn't want to drive us all over creation!
We used to love trying to guess what our presents were under the tree. I was quite mischievous and would tear the wrapping a little bit to see if I could tell what was under it. He he he.
Well no matter what your Christmas memory, I hope you remember the reason for the season.
God's gift to us of Jesus, our Saviour. He came to save us FROM sin, FOR a purpose, and OF grace.
When we see Jesus, we see God for Jesus is God with us. He is Emanuel!!
I hope this year you will make new memories and recall old ones.
Sharing photos by Steven and Darlene Faucette of God's Natural World. We miss so much that God has to tell us about Him and about our relationship with Him by not taking time to really look at this beautiful world He has given us to enjoy. I hope this blog will inspire you to explore nature up close and be reminded of how God loves you so much for you are the pinnacle of His creation!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Treasure in Jars of Clay
2 Corinthians 4:7 "But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all surpassing power is from God and not from us." NIV
I'm reminded when I read this passage of the story of Aladin's lamp. An all powerful genie resides in a dusty old oil lamp. That's kind of what Paul is reminding us of here in Second Corinthians.
Our bodies here on Earth are just like "jars of clay." They are imperfect, easily broken, earthly vessels that God chooses to use to bring glory to himself. Up in verse 6 Paul reminds us God said "Let light shine out of darkness." He made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.
Imperfect as we are, God resides in us if we have accepted his Holy Spirit. Therein resides all the power in the universe. With that power we can move mountains; call on God Almighty to heal, to change situations, to work in someone's life.
So remember this the next time you think of yourself as not worth much. God chooses the imperfect things of this world to bring him Glory and Honor.
I'm reminded when I read this passage of the story of Aladin's lamp. An all powerful genie resides in a dusty old oil lamp. That's kind of what Paul is reminding us of here in Second Corinthians.
Our bodies here on Earth are just like "jars of clay." They are imperfect, easily broken, earthly vessels that God chooses to use to bring glory to himself. Up in verse 6 Paul reminds us God said "Let light shine out of darkness." He made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.
Imperfect as we are, God resides in us if we have accepted his Holy Spirit. Therein resides all the power in the universe. With that power we can move mountains; call on God Almighty to heal, to change situations, to work in someone's life.
So remember this the next time you think of yourself as not worth much. God chooses the imperfect things of this world to bring him Glory and Honor.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Perfect Peace
Do you have peace? Maybe you're not in a storm at the moment but we all are there at one time or another.
When we are in one of those storms we are not at peace are we? We are tossed to and fro and feel out of control. Sometimes we even feel that we will be drowned or destroyed by the storm. I've been there more than once and I bet you have too. Things such as divorce, loss of a job, accidents, and numerous other things cause us to not have peace. But God wants us to have peace even in those "storms" of life.
Isaiah 26:3 says "You (meaning God) will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you." vs 4 "Trust in the Lord forever for the Lord, the Lord is the Rock eternal." NIV
In Mark 4 we read of a time when the disciples and Jesus were in a boat on the sea of Gallilee. Even though they had with them the creator of the world, the disciples were afraid they might drown. The storm was raging all around them and Jesus was asleep! To them it seemed as if Jesus did not care. Sometimes, when we are in the midst of life's "storms" we may also feel Jesus just doesn't care. Maybe he is asleep or dealing with some other catastrophe and doesn't notice we are about to go under. At times we feel that we have to face these challenges all on our on. "Where is God?, " we ask ourselves. "Doesn't He care?"
The answer to that is YES!!!! God does care. Storms of life can serve to refocus our attention on God.
We are like gold being refined by fire, being made pure.
There is an old hymn that says "be very sure, your anchor holds and grips the solid ROCK"..."this ROCK is Jesus, yes he's the one, this ROCK is Jesus, God's only Son." If your life is not anchored to the ROCK, then you can be sure there will not be peace. As Christians, we are not spared life's storms, but be very sure that God promises us we can have peace in the midst of those storms if our lives are in His hands. Peace, that assurance; confidence if you will, that God has it under control, that He cares for you personally, and that no matter what happens He is there with you to give you peace; peace that passes all understanding.
If you are not experiencing peace then "turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in his wonderful face. And the things of life will grow strangely dim, in the light of his glory and grace." Give him praise in the midst of the storm for God inhabits our praises. Turn to him, cling to him, and anchor your life on the immovable ROCK!
Then you will have peace.
King David put it this way in Psalm 40
"I waited patiently for the Lord; He lifted me out of the slimy pit,out of the mud and mire;
he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. many will see and fear and put their trust in the Lord."
I don't know about you but I'm anything but patient. When I'm going through difficulty I want out of the storm and NOW! Here David reminds us that we have to wait patiently on God to act. Do you trust Him?
Did you see what the result was after God had helped David through one of his storms of life?
It served to bring others to God so that they, too, put their trust in the Lord.
You may not realize it but others are watching how you do in the storm. You will either inspire others to come to trust in God or else they will see that you don't really have anything special and they may turn away from God. Your life is a witness for good or bad. I love the imagery David gives here of being in the mud and mire. Man, when I'm having a rough time it can seem as if I've lost my footing and am gettting pretty dirty and just falling back into the mire and muck. David couldn't get himself out of it. He had to rely on God to set his feet on a rock which gave him sure footing so he could stand firmly. When we do come out of the storms of life, be sure to give praise to God. Don't take credit for it as if you did it on your own.
When we are in one of those storms we are not at peace are we? We are tossed to and fro and feel out of control. Sometimes we even feel that we will be drowned or destroyed by the storm. I've been there more than once and I bet you have too. Things such as divorce, loss of a job, accidents, and numerous other things cause us to not have peace. But God wants us to have peace even in those "storms" of life.
Isaiah 26:3 says "You (meaning God) will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you." vs 4 "Trust in the Lord forever for the Lord, the Lord is the Rock eternal." NIV
In Mark 4 we read of a time when the disciples and Jesus were in a boat on the sea of Gallilee. Even though they had with them the creator of the world, the disciples were afraid they might drown. The storm was raging all around them and Jesus was asleep! To them it seemed as if Jesus did not care. Sometimes, when we are in the midst of life's "storms" we may also feel Jesus just doesn't care. Maybe he is asleep or dealing with some other catastrophe and doesn't notice we are about to go under. At times we feel that we have to face these challenges all on our on. "Where is God?, " we ask ourselves. "Doesn't He care?"
The answer to that is YES!!!! God does care. Storms of life can serve to refocus our attention on God.
We are like gold being refined by fire, being made pure.
There is an old hymn that says "be very sure, your anchor holds and grips the solid ROCK"..."this ROCK is Jesus, yes he's the one, this ROCK is Jesus, God's only Son." If your life is not anchored to the ROCK, then you can be sure there will not be peace. As Christians, we are not spared life's storms, but be very sure that God promises us we can have peace in the midst of those storms if our lives are in His hands. Peace, that assurance; confidence if you will, that God has it under control, that He cares for you personally, and that no matter what happens He is there with you to give you peace; peace that passes all understanding.
If you are not experiencing peace then "turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in his wonderful face. And the things of life will grow strangely dim, in the light of his glory and grace." Give him praise in the midst of the storm for God inhabits our praises. Turn to him, cling to him, and anchor your life on the immovable ROCK!
Then you will have peace.
King David put it this way in Psalm 40
"I waited patiently for the Lord; He lifted me out of the slimy pit,out of the mud and mire;
he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. many will see and fear and put their trust in the Lord."
I don't know about you but I'm anything but patient. When I'm going through difficulty I want out of the storm and NOW! Here David reminds us that we have to wait patiently on God to act. Do you trust Him?
Did you see what the result was after God had helped David through one of his storms of life?
It served to bring others to God so that they, too, put their trust in the Lord.
You may not realize it but others are watching how you do in the storm. You will either inspire others to come to trust in God or else they will see that you don't really have anything special and they may turn away from God. Your life is a witness for good or bad. I love the imagery David gives here of being in the mud and mire. Man, when I'm having a rough time it can seem as if I've lost my footing and am gettting pretty dirty and just falling back into the mire and muck. David couldn't get himself out of it. He had to rely on God to set his feet on a rock which gave him sure footing so he could stand firmly. When we do come out of the storms of life, be sure to give praise to God. Don't take credit for it as if you did it on your own.
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Storms in our lives |
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Holy, Holy, Holy
In the 1960's there was a TV show called "Batman." Batman's sidekick in crime fighting was named Robin.
Robin would often use the word "holy" to help describe their predicaments. He might say something like "holy cow" or "holy jigsaw" or something else just as silly. Well today I'm not discussing that use of the word. Today I want us to think about God and what things are "Holy." We sometimes have our "Holy Bibles" around the house. Growing up we were taught to treat our Bibles with respect, with honor and with reverence. When I got married the preacher stated at the beginning that we were coming before God in "Holy Matrimony." And yet all too often we forget that marriage is a "Holy" union. In Exodus 3:5 Moses has an encouter with God at the burning bush. God tells Moses to take off his sandals for he is standing on holy ground. The ground was not holy in and of itself. No. It was made holy by the divine presence of God. The Bible says that Holy means Hallowed. Jesus when teaching his disciples to pray says "Hallowed be thy name" when speaking to his heavenly Father. Even Jesus is recognizing God the Father as Holy and He is His One and only Son! In Revelation 15 we see that God alone is Holy. In fact, he is the most Holy, He is Holy, Holy, Holy (Revelation 4:8.) Now for something to be Holy it has to be set apart, special, consecrated and used for worship. It also must be flawless. If God had any speck of sin, any fault of any kind, he would not be Holy. Everything God touches must be holy or become holy. When we are washed by the blood of Jesus, we become "white as snow." We become holy. It is the only way we can come before a holy God. Jesus was the perfect lamb, the perfect sacrifice. He had to be without sin and that is why he was born of a virgin with the Holy Spirit impregnating Mary. If Jesus is only a man, then he could not be the atoning sacrifice for our sin. When we come before God in a marriage commitment we are coming before Him on Holy ground and asking Him to make our marriage holy, without blemish. That is why the bride wears white. She is supposed to be spotless, a virgin, kept only for her husband and for him alone.
This is also why we are to keep the sabbath day Holy. It is to be set apart for worship and rest from work.
So I challenge you today to be made Holy. Set yourself apart for worship. Be made spotless, cleansed from sin. And treat your marriage as Holy as well. Protect it from blemish. Guard it with all you have.
Cherish your spouse and hold your spouse in special honor. Most of all give to God what is due.
Come into the Holy of holies and worship Him.
Robin would often use the word "holy" to help describe their predicaments. He might say something like "holy cow" or "holy jigsaw" or something else just as silly. Well today I'm not discussing that use of the word. Today I want us to think about God and what things are "Holy." We sometimes have our "Holy Bibles" around the house. Growing up we were taught to treat our Bibles with respect, with honor and with reverence. When I got married the preacher stated at the beginning that we were coming before God in "Holy Matrimony." And yet all too often we forget that marriage is a "Holy" union. In Exodus 3:5 Moses has an encouter with God at the burning bush. God tells Moses to take off his sandals for he is standing on holy ground. The ground was not holy in and of itself. No. It was made holy by the divine presence of God. The Bible says that Holy means Hallowed. Jesus when teaching his disciples to pray says "Hallowed be thy name" when speaking to his heavenly Father. Even Jesus is recognizing God the Father as Holy and He is His One and only Son! In Revelation 15 we see that God alone is Holy. In fact, he is the most Holy, He is Holy, Holy, Holy (Revelation 4:8.) Now for something to be Holy it has to be set apart, special, consecrated and used for worship. It also must be flawless. If God had any speck of sin, any fault of any kind, he would not be Holy. Everything God touches must be holy or become holy. When we are washed by the blood of Jesus, we become "white as snow." We become holy. It is the only way we can come before a holy God. Jesus was the perfect lamb, the perfect sacrifice. He had to be without sin and that is why he was born of a virgin with the Holy Spirit impregnating Mary. If Jesus is only a man, then he could not be the atoning sacrifice for our sin. When we come before God in a marriage commitment we are coming before Him on Holy ground and asking Him to make our marriage holy, without blemish. That is why the bride wears white. She is supposed to be spotless, a virgin, kept only for her husband and for him alone.
This is also why we are to keep the sabbath day Holy. It is to be set apart for worship and rest from work.
So I challenge you today to be made Holy. Set yourself apart for worship. Be made spotless, cleansed from sin. And treat your marriage as Holy as well. Protect it from blemish. Guard it with all you have.
Cherish your spouse and hold your spouse in special honor. Most of all give to God what is due.
Come into the Holy of holies and worship Him.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Playing with Fire
When I was a kid I loved playing with fire. Firecrackers that is. I would light bottle rockets in my hand and throw them way up while the fuse was burning just to see how much higher I could make them go!!
I would light firecrackers and put them in a hollowed out place in a tree just to see the ants go nuts when it went off. But one day I had unraveled a lot of the duds and put the powder and fuses in a pile. I lit them and all that hot fire went at the same time burning my hand. OUCH!! My fingers felt like they were on fire even after I soaked them in milk. For a long time I was reminded how foolish I had been for doing something like that, for "playing with fire."
Proverbs 6:27-29 says it this way "Can a man scoop fire into his lap and his clothes ont be burned? Can a man walk on hot coals without his feet being scorched? So is he who sleeps with another man's wife; no one who touches her will go unpunished." NIV
This particular verse warns against adultery, even when supposedly no one but the two people physically involved knows of it. Sooner or later you reap what you sow. Its the law of the harvest. You plant a seed of unfaithfulness and you reap disease, divorce, discord,etc.
But there are other ways of "playing with fire" too. It may be playing the lottery or gambling in some other fashion. It may be lying or being dishonest in other ways. Whatever you are doing that you know is against what God would have you do is just asking for Divine discipline. Don't ever think you are getting away with something just because some bolt of lightning doesn't strike you down with immediate judgement.
One thing leads to another and then before you know it, you are in over your head.
Learn to listen to God's voice. The Holy Spirit is there to guide you and to help you make the right choices, but He isn't going to force you to do what is right. That is entirely up to you.
You might try to justify your actions before others but God is not to be mocked. You KNOW what is right.
Pray today that you will avoid temptations to do wrong. Don't play with fire, You will surely get burned in the end.
I would light firecrackers and put them in a hollowed out place in a tree just to see the ants go nuts when it went off. But one day I had unraveled a lot of the duds and put the powder and fuses in a pile. I lit them and all that hot fire went at the same time burning my hand. OUCH!! My fingers felt like they were on fire even after I soaked them in milk. For a long time I was reminded how foolish I had been for doing something like that, for "playing with fire."
Proverbs 6:27-29 says it this way "Can a man scoop fire into his lap and his clothes ont be burned? Can a man walk on hot coals without his feet being scorched? So is he who sleeps with another man's wife; no one who touches her will go unpunished." NIV
This particular verse warns against adultery, even when supposedly no one but the two people physically involved knows of it. Sooner or later you reap what you sow. Its the law of the harvest. You plant a seed of unfaithfulness and you reap disease, divorce, discord,etc.
But there are other ways of "playing with fire" too. It may be playing the lottery or gambling in some other fashion. It may be lying or being dishonest in other ways. Whatever you are doing that you know is against what God would have you do is just asking for Divine discipline. Don't ever think you are getting away with something just because some bolt of lightning doesn't strike you down with immediate judgement.
One thing leads to another and then before you know it, you are in over your head.
Learn to listen to God's voice. The Holy Spirit is there to guide you and to help you make the right choices, but He isn't going to force you to do what is right. That is entirely up to you.
You might try to justify your actions before others but God is not to be mocked. You KNOW what is right.
Pray today that you will avoid temptations to do wrong. Don't play with fire, You will surely get burned in the end.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Have you ever considered bridges? There's all kinds of bridges in the world. Foot bridges, draw bridges, covered bridges, suspension bridges, wooden bridges, bridges of stone, etc.
What is the purpose of a bridge?
Basically its to make it possible for someone or some thing to get from one place to another.
A bridge usually connects two points where it would be difficult if not impossible to get from one place to the other.
Songs have been written about bridges such as Simon and Garfunkle's "Bridge over Troubled Waters."
Movies have had bridges as their theme such as "The Bridges of Madison County" and "A Bridge to Terabithia."
Did you ever stop to consider that Jesus is a bridge? When He died on the cross for our sins he bridged the gap between God and man. Before this, one needed a priest to intercede between man and God.
But now we have full access to God the Father because of what Jesus did on the cross.
In fact, the cross symbolizes a bridge. Man on one side of a great chasm and God on the other.
Now joined together for fellowship because of the cross and Jesus' dying on it for our sins.
Jesus made a way where there seemed to be no way.
So next time you see a bridge, think of Jesus and what He accomplished for us on that cross. He has made it possible for us to get to God and to be with Him eternally in Heaven!
What is the purpose of a bridge?
Basically its to make it possible for someone or some thing to get from one place to another.
A bridge usually connects two points where it would be difficult if not impossible to get from one place to the other.
Songs have been written about bridges such as Simon and Garfunkle's "Bridge over Troubled Waters."
Movies have had bridges as their theme such as "The Bridges of Madison County" and "A Bridge to Terabithia."
Did you ever stop to consider that Jesus is a bridge? When He died on the cross for our sins he bridged the gap between God and man. Before this, one needed a priest to intercede between man and God.
But now we have full access to God the Father because of what Jesus did on the cross.
In fact, the cross symbolizes a bridge. Man on one side of a great chasm and God on the other.
Now joined together for fellowship because of the cross and Jesus' dying on it for our sins.
Jesus made a way where there seemed to be no way.
So next time you see a bridge, think of Jesus and what He accomplished for us on that cross. He has made it possible for us to get to God and to be with Him eternally in Heaven!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Pray Without Ceasing
P ositive
R eassuring
A ction
Y ielding
E ternal
R esults
Do you ever wish you could have a heart to heart talk with God about things? If you are like me you've wanted to ask God about certain things.
"Why did you have to create fire ants?" might be one such question
"What good is cudzu?" might be another
or perhaps your questions would go a bit deeper than that?
"Why is there so much suffering and why do good people (people who try to live for you) have illness such as cancer, etc.?
Well this could go on all day I suppose but I just wanted to get you to think about it for a minute or two.
The fact is that we don't have all the answers. Even the most knowledgable theologians can't figure God out and have questions of their own.
In the book of Job, Job is suffering and longs to meet face to face with God to get some understanding.
When God does speak, Job can't bring an answer to God's questions of him. He realizes that God's ways are "too wonderful for me to know." (Job 42:3 NIV)
I want you to know its ok to ask God questions. Its ok to not understand everything or why certain things happen. God wants us to come to Him and talk things over. Jesus even took time to pray to His Heavenly Father. He agonized about going through with the crucifixion. (Luke 22:42)
We are to pray without ceasing. When we rise, thank God for a new day filled with new opportunities.
We are to thank God for our food. We are to ask God for safe travels as we go on our way. We are to pray for boldness to witness and for opportunities to do so. We are to pray for our leaders to make the right decisions. We are to pray for those who have needs. We are to pray for people who do not know Christ as their Savior to come to Christ. Pray for our children to grow in their faith and to do their best in school. We are to pray for our children to make good choices in their future mate.
John 14:13,14 "I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it." NIV
Sometimes the answer to our prayers may be "not now", "no", or "YES!" God knows what is best for us and we are to align our prayers to what brings glory to God. Our prayers can be of confession of sin too.
We should ask God for forgiveness with a repentant heart. One such prayer is in the book of Daniel chapter 9 where Daniel and his friends are in exile in the pagan land of Babylon. Daniel already had a good relationship with God but here he prays in confession and in repentance for the whole of Israel.
In Chapter 10 an angel comes to Daniel and explains that he has come in response to Daniel's prayers but was detained from coming sooner because of a battle with a "prince of the Persian kingdom." We can assume here that no mortal man was detaining the angel but a powerful demonic force.
Take time today to talk to God. He longs to spend time with you. Read His Word, tell him all about your needs, wants, desires, failures, hopes, and dreams. He longs to be involved in all of your life. Then take time to be still and listen. Wait on God to respond. Be alert enough to know when God is speaking to you. It may be in a song or in a radio program or through the advice and encouragement of a friend.
Remember that prayer changes things. God is waiting patiently on you today. Come berfore the presence of the King with praise, thanksgiving, confession, humbleness, boldness, petitions, and in worship. Converse with Him often. Get to know His voice. Then when He speaks, you will know without doubt it is God talking.
R eassuring
A ction
Y ielding
E ternal
R esults
Do you ever wish you could have a heart to heart talk with God about things? If you are like me you've wanted to ask God about certain things.
"Why did you have to create fire ants?" might be one such question
"What good is cudzu?" might be another
or perhaps your questions would go a bit deeper than that?
"Why is there so much suffering and why do good people (people who try to live for you) have illness such as cancer, etc.?
Well this could go on all day I suppose but I just wanted to get you to think about it for a minute or two.
The fact is that we don't have all the answers. Even the most knowledgable theologians can't figure God out and have questions of their own.
In the book of Job, Job is suffering and longs to meet face to face with God to get some understanding.
When God does speak, Job can't bring an answer to God's questions of him. He realizes that God's ways are "too wonderful for me to know." (Job 42:3 NIV)
I want you to know its ok to ask God questions. Its ok to not understand everything or why certain things happen. God wants us to come to Him and talk things over. Jesus even took time to pray to His Heavenly Father. He agonized about going through with the crucifixion. (Luke 22:42)
We are to pray without ceasing. When we rise, thank God for a new day filled with new opportunities.
We are to thank God for our food. We are to ask God for safe travels as we go on our way. We are to pray for boldness to witness and for opportunities to do so. We are to pray for our leaders to make the right decisions. We are to pray for those who have needs. We are to pray for people who do not know Christ as their Savior to come to Christ. Pray for our children to grow in their faith and to do their best in school. We are to pray for our children to make good choices in their future mate.
John 14:13,14 "I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it." NIV
Sometimes the answer to our prayers may be "not now", "no", or "YES!" God knows what is best for us and we are to align our prayers to what brings glory to God. Our prayers can be of confession of sin too.
We should ask God for forgiveness with a repentant heart. One such prayer is in the book of Daniel chapter 9 where Daniel and his friends are in exile in the pagan land of Babylon. Daniel already had a good relationship with God but here he prays in confession and in repentance for the whole of Israel.
In Chapter 10 an angel comes to Daniel and explains that he has come in response to Daniel's prayers but was detained from coming sooner because of a battle with a "prince of the Persian kingdom." We can assume here that no mortal man was detaining the angel but a powerful demonic force.
Take time today to talk to God. He longs to spend time with you. Read His Word, tell him all about your needs, wants, desires, failures, hopes, and dreams. He longs to be involved in all of your life. Then take time to be still and listen. Wait on God to respond. Be alert enough to know when God is speaking to you. It may be in a song or in a radio program or through the advice and encouragement of a friend.
Remember that prayer changes things. God is waiting patiently on you today. Come berfore the presence of the King with praise, thanksgiving, confession, humbleness, boldness, petitions, and in worship. Converse with Him often. Get to know His voice. Then when He speaks, you will know without doubt it is God talking.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Reflecting His Glory
Have you looked at the moon lately? When we are apart my wife will call me on the phone and tell me to go and look at the moon because its a certain color or is so full and bright, etc. Funny though how she can see things from her vantage point while traveling to Tennessee that I can't see from my home in South Carolina. Sometimes I can't even see the moon while she can which was the case the other night.
Full moons are especially nice since they show so much detail of the moon surface. Its almost as if you could reach out and touch it sometimes. Sometimes the moon as a halo around it. Then we know rain is coming.
If there are two full moons in a month then there is what is known as a "blue" moon. And then there are times we have a lunar eclipse. I've actually photographed one lunar eclipse. Usually the sky ends up being so overcast that I can't see the eclipse, but occasionally I'm able to view one.
In Genesis 1:14 "And God said, 'Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years, and let them be lights in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth.'" NIV
God cared for us so much that even before man had been formed from the dust He provided the sun, moon, and stars to give light and to mark seasons, days and years. God did not want us to be in the dark! How lonely and cold the Earth would have been without these lights.
Did you know that the moon doesn't give off its own light? No! It only reflects the light of the sun. But, oh, how we love that moon! It spurs romance, affects the tides, gives us a bright light when full, and gives great excuses for crazy behavior at times!!! But the light of the moon is just a reflection of a much greater, much more powerful source, the sun.
Do you want to be like the moon? Then be a reflection of God's Glory, of His Light. May others see Jesus in you and be attracted to Jesus on account of how you live. Like the moon, there may be times that others only see a sliver of the light (like in a crescent moon.) But keep on shining, keep on reflecting, keep on beaming God's love to others to light their way.
Full moons are especially nice since they show so much detail of the moon surface. Its almost as if you could reach out and touch it sometimes. Sometimes the moon as a halo around it. Then we know rain is coming.
If there are two full moons in a month then there is what is known as a "blue" moon. And then there are times we have a lunar eclipse. I've actually photographed one lunar eclipse. Usually the sky ends up being so overcast that I can't see the eclipse, but occasionally I'm able to view one.
In Genesis 1:14 "And God said, 'Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years, and let them be lights in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth.'" NIV
God cared for us so much that even before man had been formed from the dust He provided the sun, moon, and stars to give light and to mark seasons, days and years. God did not want us to be in the dark! How lonely and cold the Earth would have been without these lights.
Did you know that the moon doesn't give off its own light? No! It only reflects the light of the sun. But, oh, how we love that moon! It spurs romance, affects the tides, gives us a bright light when full, and gives great excuses for crazy behavior at times!!! But the light of the moon is just a reflection of a much greater, much more powerful source, the sun.
Do you want to be like the moon? Then be a reflection of God's Glory, of His Light. May others see Jesus in you and be attracted to Jesus on account of how you live. Like the moon, there may be times that others only see a sliver of the light (like in a crescent moon.) But keep on shining, keep on reflecting, keep on beaming God's love to others to light their way.
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Lunar Eclipse |
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Lunar Eclipse (almost complete) |
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Eclipse at its fullness |
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Moon as seen through a telescope |
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Mercury and its moons |
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Full Moon |
Monday, October 11, 2010
Don't Shipwreck Your Faith!
Do you ever feel your life is being tossed about like a bobber on the ocean? That out of control feeling isn't pleasant but I've been there a few times in my life. Sometimes circumstances come at us relentlessly so that we can't even catch a breath! Lately, that's what its been like in my family. We have jokingly said that we have a "car demon" wreaking havoc in our family. First I have an accident, then Darlene's car has an altenator and battery go out, then Bethany puts her car in the ditch, and Darlene's car takes on a deer and loses, and Connie's car needs work on it as well!!! It's been just one thing after another hitting us real hard financially! Whew!
And now we have a physical ailment type of demon striking both Darlene, Connie, and Darlene's mom!!!
Times of testing and trial surely are among us. But I'm sure many of you are going through similar circumstances. It seems as though the more we live for God, the more trouble comes our way. Well what did you think your life would be like once you started living for God anyway? The Bible clearly tells us that we will face trials. James 1:2-4 "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perserverance. Perserverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."
vs 12 "Blessed is the man who perseveres under tial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him."
Back in the sixties there was a song out entitled "I didn't promise you a rose garden."
Neither did Christ!
Thankfully, though, there are times of gentle sailing and of soft, warm breezes moving us along.
God does want us to enjoy life and enjoy the world He has made for us. I don't want to leave you with the thought that God is out to get you. No, just the opposite. The Bible says that if God is for us, who can be against us? Well, Satan certainly is against us. He wants to destroy everything good that God has made and he often offers us a counterfit instead. Like a counterfit bill, though, it never delivers the real thing.
Let me encourage you to perservere; to keep on keeping on and to keep walking by faith, step by step.
My pastor, Mark Roberts, has been doing a Sunday evening Bible study in the book of Acts. Last night he was in Chapter 26 and 27 speaking of Paul going to Rome (in chains) and being shipwrecked in the process.
In the story of the shipwreck it speaks of them putting down four anchors. Anchors on a ship help keep it in place so that it won't be tossed into the rocks. Likewise, Scripture gives us four anchors so that we can keep steady in the storms.
1. Psalm 45:6 "your throne O God is forever and ever."
We know that God is timeless and that not only is He with us, ruling and reigning on the throne in our present but He is also in our future, too!
2. Matthew 16:18 The gates of hell will not prvail against the Church.
Surely we are under attack by Satan, but this reference is speaking of the Church of Christ attacking the very gates of Hell and knowing that those gates cannot and will not prevail against us moving forward as a Church.
3. 1 Peter 1:24,25 "All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the Word of the Lord stands forever."
We can always depend on God's Word (Bible.) Also John speaks of the living Word, Jesus. He, too, will stand forever!!!
4. Hebrews 6:19 " We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure." What is this "hope?"
It is the hope (certainty) of etermal life. When the Bible speaks of "hope" its not a hope so or wish so kind of hope. No!!! This hope is a surety; a peace; a knowing that God is working things out for his glory and cares very much for the least of us on up.
Next time you are on a boat ride I hope you have calm seas and a gentle wind at your back.
And now we have a physical ailment type of demon striking both Darlene, Connie, and Darlene's mom!!!
Times of testing and trial surely are among us. But I'm sure many of you are going through similar circumstances. It seems as though the more we live for God, the more trouble comes our way. Well what did you think your life would be like once you started living for God anyway? The Bible clearly tells us that we will face trials. James 1:2-4 "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perserverance. Perserverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."
vs 12 "Blessed is the man who perseveres under tial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him."
Back in the sixties there was a song out entitled "I didn't promise you a rose garden."
Neither did Christ!
Thankfully, though, there are times of gentle sailing and of soft, warm breezes moving us along.
God does want us to enjoy life and enjoy the world He has made for us. I don't want to leave you with the thought that God is out to get you. No, just the opposite. The Bible says that if God is for us, who can be against us? Well, Satan certainly is against us. He wants to destroy everything good that God has made and he often offers us a counterfit instead. Like a counterfit bill, though, it never delivers the real thing.
Let me encourage you to perservere; to keep on keeping on and to keep walking by faith, step by step.
My pastor, Mark Roberts, has been doing a Sunday evening Bible study in the book of Acts. Last night he was in Chapter 26 and 27 speaking of Paul going to Rome (in chains) and being shipwrecked in the process.
In the story of the shipwreck it speaks of them putting down four anchors. Anchors on a ship help keep it in place so that it won't be tossed into the rocks. Likewise, Scripture gives us four anchors so that we can keep steady in the storms.
1. Psalm 45:6 "your throne O God is forever and ever."
We know that God is timeless and that not only is He with us, ruling and reigning on the throne in our present but He is also in our future, too!
2. Matthew 16:18 The gates of hell will not prvail against the Church.
Surely we are under attack by Satan, but this reference is speaking of the Church of Christ attacking the very gates of Hell and knowing that those gates cannot and will not prevail against us moving forward as a Church.
3. 1 Peter 1:24,25 "All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the Word of the Lord stands forever."
We can always depend on God's Word (Bible.) Also John speaks of the living Word, Jesus. He, too, will stand forever!!!
4. Hebrews 6:19 " We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure." What is this "hope?"
It is the hope (certainty) of etermal life. When the Bible speaks of "hope" its not a hope so or wish so kind of hope. No!!! This hope is a surety; a peace; a knowing that God is working things out for his glory and cares very much for the least of us on up.
Next time you are on a boat ride I hope you have calm seas and a gentle wind at your back.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Giving God Your Best
What kind of gift would you give to a king? If that is too hard to imagine, then how about to the President of the United States of America? I think if we had the opportunity to come before someone "large and in charge" like that we'd dress our best and try to impress that person with our best behaviour at the very least.
If that person were to visit us in our home I can almost guarantee you that you'd be sprucing the place up, cleaning like no body's business and making sure the first impressions were memorable.
So why then do we find it so difficult to give to God anything less than our best?
In Genesis 4 we read of Cain and Abel, two brothers. Abel tended to the flocks (sheep, livestock, that sort of thing) and Cain was a farmer. Now we don't know how old these two brothers were when they decided to bring an offering to the Lord, but we can assume they weren't young boys, not knowing right from wrong.
Cain brought "some of the fruits of the soil as an offering to the Lord." "But Abel brought fat portions from some of the firstborn of his flock." God was pleased with Abel's offering but not with Cain's. Why?
They both brought offerings before God didn't they? But Abel brought the best offering possible and Cain's offering was kinda like "well if you must have something then I suppose I'll give you some grain but not the best stuff, that's for me to enjoy!" Do you give God the first fruits, a choice offering? Or do you give him left overs? What about when you start off your day? Do you wake up with thoughts of thanksgiving and have a time where you can read God's Word? Or do you wait until you are going to sleep to say a prayer or try to read with sleepy eyes a verse or two before drifting off for the night?
What about on your job? Do you perform your job as if to the Lord?
Give of your best to the Master says the old hymn.
Did you ever stop to realize you can't out-give God?
Luke 6:38 says "Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap." ..... Jesus
Now would you give knowing that God will give back to you even more than you can hold?
This is a promise of Jesus! We can trust his words and his promises.
Do you think that everything you've been blessed with is of your own making? Do you think that perhaps you own money, houses, land, family, children, etc? Well I suppose it might seem that way to one who's god is himself. But to one who has Jehovah as God you must realize you don't own a thing! God wants it all.
And then what God will do is to entrust you as caretaker of all He has given you and with all He has blessed you. Now if God owns it all, doesn't that take a bit of the worry out of it? Since God is far richer than we can ever imagine I think He can handle your small "possessions." Just remember, He put you in charge of being caretaker. So now you are responsible for how you manage things. If God tells you to give to someone in need, listen and do it. Give to God your very best. If you are a student then be the best student you can be. Do it as unto the Lord!!
If that person were to visit us in our home I can almost guarantee you that you'd be sprucing the place up, cleaning like no body's business and making sure the first impressions were memorable.
So why then do we find it so difficult to give to God anything less than our best?
In Genesis 4 we read of Cain and Abel, two brothers. Abel tended to the flocks (sheep, livestock, that sort of thing) and Cain was a farmer. Now we don't know how old these two brothers were when they decided to bring an offering to the Lord, but we can assume they weren't young boys, not knowing right from wrong.
Cain brought "some of the fruits of the soil as an offering to the Lord." "But Abel brought fat portions from some of the firstborn of his flock." God was pleased with Abel's offering but not with Cain's. Why?
They both brought offerings before God didn't they? But Abel brought the best offering possible and Cain's offering was kinda like "well if you must have something then I suppose I'll give you some grain but not the best stuff, that's for me to enjoy!" Do you give God the first fruits, a choice offering? Or do you give him left overs? What about when you start off your day? Do you wake up with thoughts of thanksgiving and have a time where you can read God's Word? Or do you wait until you are going to sleep to say a prayer or try to read with sleepy eyes a verse or two before drifting off for the night?
What about on your job? Do you perform your job as if to the Lord?
Give of your best to the Master says the old hymn.
Did you ever stop to realize you can't out-give God?
Luke 6:38 says "Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap." ..... Jesus
Now would you give knowing that God will give back to you even more than you can hold?
This is a promise of Jesus! We can trust his words and his promises.
Do you think that everything you've been blessed with is of your own making? Do you think that perhaps you own money, houses, land, family, children, etc? Well I suppose it might seem that way to one who's god is himself. But to one who has Jehovah as God you must realize you don't own a thing! God wants it all.
And then what God will do is to entrust you as caretaker of all He has given you and with all He has blessed you. Now if God owns it all, doesn't that take a bit of the worry out of it? Since God is far richer than we can ever imagine I think He can handle your small "possessions." Just remember, He put you in charge of being caretaker. So now you are responsible for how you manage things. If God tells you to give to someone in need, listen and do it. Give to God your very best. If you are a student then be the best student you can be. Do it as unto the Lord!!
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First Fruits |
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Doing your work as unto the Lord |
Take Me to the Mountains!
There's just something about the mountains I love. I really enjoy hiking in the woods, breathing in the rhododendon and mountain laurel fragrances, and hearing all the sounds of nature. Jesus must have felt the same way because when he wanted to get alone and just have a heart-to-heart talk with his Father, he'd go up on a mountain to pray. When Moses went to meet with God to get the Ten Commandments, he went up on Mount Sinai. When Elijah was fleeing Jezebel, he, too, went up on Mount Sinai where God spoke to him and he felt God's presence.
David wrote in Psalms 36:6 that "Your righthousness is like the mighty mountains...."
Isaiah the great prophet says in chapter 52:7 "How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion 'Your God reigns.'"
Mountains can be majestic. I love to see snow capped mountains when traveling in winter. I also love getting to the mountain top and seeing a great vista below me. Its breathtaking!
Mountains can be a place of refuge and safety, but they can also symbolize obstacles.
I really have to slow down when I'm driving in the mountains and hiking just a few miles takes much longer than if I were on flat ground. To get to the other side of a mountain one must either detour around it or travese along curvy roads. Either way, it becomes an obstacle to our destination. Maybe you have a mountain in your path right now keeping you from enjoying a smooth sail in life. It could be poor health, debt, or some other obstacle. These are the kinds of mountains we wished we didn't have to deal with, yet here we are facing them. Don't try to go it alone if this is your kind of mountain. Seek help and pray diligently for God to walk with you every step of the way. Lean on Him with all your heart and not on your own understanding. Like a lantern that gives just enough light to see the next step, so it is with faith in God.
He will light your way but only for one step at a time. One day you will reach the pinnacle and don't you know it, your breathe will be taken away! You'll be in awe of all God has done to get you to the top!!
David wrote in Psalms 36:6 that "Your righthousness is like the mighty mountains...."
Isaiah the great prophet says in chapter 52:7 "How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion 'Your God reigns.'"
Mountains can be majestic. I love to see snow capped mountains when traveling in winter. I also love getting to the mountain top and seeing a great vista below me. Its breathtaking!
Mountains can be a place of refuge and safety, but they can also symbolize obstacles.
I really have to slow down when I'm driving in the mountains and hiking just a few miles takes much longer than if I were on flat ground. To get to the other side of a mountain one must either detour around it or travese along curvy roads. Either way, it becomes an obstacle to our destination. Maybe you have a mountain in your path right now keeping you from enjoying a smooth sail in life. It could be poor health, debt, or some other obstacle. These are the kinds of mountains we wished we didn't have to deal with, yet here we are facing them. Don't try to go it alone if this is your kind of mountain. Seek help and pray diligently for God to walk with you every step of the way. Lean on Him with all your heart and not on your own understanding. Like a lantern that gives just enough light to see the next step, so it is with faith in God.
He will light your way but only for one step at a time. One day you will reach the pinnacle and don't you know it, your breathe will be taken away! You'll be in awe of all God has done to get you to the top!!
Nagaland, India |
Table Rock, Pickens, SC |
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Somewhere in the Great Smoky Mountains |
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Sunset on backside of Pinnacle Mountain |
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Cotopaxi Volcano, Ecuador |
Love Languages
Do you know how to speak your mate's love language? What kind of things did you do when you were dating that communicated love?
Today I want us to explore some of these. Dr. Gary Chapman in his book "The Five Love Languages" helps us to see how we can communicate love to our mate and to our children. That's right, even your children have their own love language!
Let's see if I can name all 5.
1. Physical Touch
2. Acts of Kindness
3. Gifts
4. Quality Time
5. Words of Affirmation
Physical touch doesn't have to be sexual touch. It can come in the form of a hug, a pat on the back or in some other way. The person who's main love language is physical touch needs to have some form of that on a regular basis in order to feel loved. Even babies need physical touch in order to develop properly.
Acts of Kindness is my main love language. At least I "speak" that love language the easiest. The person who is the recipient of this love language is one needs to be shown some act of kindness in order to feel like he or she is loved. Dad used to love growing pansies. As a pastor, he would make regular visits to shut-ins and those in nursing homes. He would take some dixie cups with him and some pansies and share a pansy or two in a cup of water with that person.
Giving/Receiving of Gifts is one of my daughter's love languages. She loves it when we have Daddy/daughter date nights and I buy her something at the mall. But for me this is not a main love language. When someone gives me a gift it doesn't communicate love to me so much. Maybe your sweetheart would appreciate getting a little gift from you today. It doesn't have to be expensive either. You might do a home-made card which would cost little but mean the world to the recipient.
Quality Time is something I think every child should have. Notice I didn't say "quantity time." Go to your child's game, concert, recital. Spend some time taking a walk or playing a game. Your mate may also need to have quality time more than anything else to feel loved. When you give quality time, you give of yourself and communicate to the other that they are special.
Words of Affirmation come from those who's gift is encouragement. For me, I tend to speak "Acts of Kindness" but receive "Words of Affirmation." One of my daughters says her main love language is "Physical Touch" but I know she loves to have those "Words of Affirmation" too. If you were critical of your mate and then at bed time wanted to show physical touch, I doubt your mate would be in a mood to receive it, even if physical touch was your mate's primary love language.
We all have a love tank and it needs to be filled regularly. If it doesn't get filled by you then watch out!
He/she may go elsewhere to get their love tank filled. Study your mate and try to speak his/her love language. It may not come easy to you. If you are like me, I have some languages that come naturally to me to express such as "Acts of Kindness." Others such as Gifts take more effort.
A thoughtless gift is worse than no gift at all! Likewise, "Words of Affirmation" need to be sincere. Tell your children how proud you are of them. And don't use the word "but" in your sentence either. If we say something like "I'm so glad to see you take out the trash, but I still want you to make straight A's this semester", we negate the positive message and they only hear the negative one.
When you spend Quality Time with someone make sure your focus is on them. If, for instance, you go for a walk in the park and you never speak to that person or your attention is on how long this is taking and when can I get back to what I want to do, then you aren't communicating love very well. Remember when you were dating and held your sweetheart's hand as you walked or sat and enjoyed a sunset together?
Solomon certainly knew his lover's love languages. Read it today and see which ones you can identify.
Today I want us to explore some of these. Dr. Gary Chapman in his book "The Five Love Languages" helps us to see how we can communicate love to our mate and to our children. That's right, even your children have their own love language!
Let's see if I can name all 5.
1. Physical Touch
2. Acts of Kindness
3. Gifts
4. Quality Time
5. Words of Affirmation
Physical touch doesn't have to be sexual touch. It can come in the form of a hug, a pat on the back or in some other way. The person who's main love language is physical touch needs to have some form of that on a regular basis in order to feel loved. Even babies need physical touch in order to develop properly.
Acts of Kindness is my main love language. At least I "speak" that love language the easiest. The person who is the recipient of this love language is one needs to be shown some act of kindness in order to feel like he or she is loved. Dad used to love growing pansies. As a pastor, he would make regular visits to shut-ins and those in nursing homes. He would take some dixie cups with him and some pansies and share a pansy or two in a cup of water with that person.
Giving/Receiving of Gifts is one of my daughter's love languages. She loves it when we have Daddy/daughter date nights and I buy her something at the mall. But for me this is not a main love language. When someone gives me a gift it doesn't communicate love to me so much. Maybe your sweetheart would appreciate getting a little gift from you today. It doesn't have to be expensive either. You might do a home-made card which would cost little but mean the world to the recipient.
Quality Time is something I think every child should have. Notice I didn't say "quantity time." Go to your child's game, concert, recital. Spend some time taking a walk or playing a game. Your mate may also need to have quality time more than anything else to feel loved. When you give quality time, you give of yourself and communicate to the other that they are special.
Words of Affirmation come from those who's gift is encouragement. For me, I tend to speak "Acts of Kindness" but receive "Words of Affirmation." One of my daughters says her main love language is "Physical Touch" but I know she loves to have those "Words of Affirmation" too. If you were critical of your mate and then at bed time wanted to show physical touch, I doubt your mate would be in a mood to receive it, even if physical touch was your mate's primary love language.
We all have a love tank and it needs to be filled regularly. If it doesn't get filled by you then watch out!
He/she may go elsewhere to get their love tank filled. Study your mate and try to speak his/her love language. It may not come easy to you. If you are like me, I have some languages that come naturally to me to express such as "Acts of Kindness." Others such as Gifts take more effort.
A thoughtless gift is worse than no gift at all! Likewise, "Words of Affirmation" need to be sincere. Tell your children how proud you are of them. And don't use the word "but" in your sentence either. If we say something like "I'm so glad to see you take out the trash, but I still want you to make straight A's this semester", we negate the positive message and they only hear the negative one.
When you spend Quality Time with someone make sure your focus is on them. If, for instance, you go for a walk in the park and you never speak to that person or your attention is on how long this is taking and when can I get back to what I want to do, then you aren't communicating love very well. Remember when you were dating and held your sweetheart's hand as you walked or sat and enjoyed a sunset together?
Solomon certainly knew his lover's love languages. Read it today and see which ones you can identify.
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Quality Time with my wife and sweetheart |
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Are the giving and receiving of Gifts your love language? |
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Words of Affirmation |
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Love, what it is and isn't
In 1 Corinthians chapter 13 (known as the love chapter), Paul gives us a great description of what love should be like.
Starting with verse 4 he says "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails." NIV
I John vs 10-11 "This is love; not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another."
then in vs 16 we read "And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God and God in him." vd 17 "In this way, love is made complete among us...." vs 18 There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love."
When one reads the word "love" in the Bible, one must understand which meaning is being used.
There is love as a friend loves (phileo love.)
There is love as a man and wife loves (eros love.)
And then there is the love that is unconditional love (agape love.)
We can think of these types of love as shallow, deep, and perfect.
Some relationships we have will remain as phileo type of love. We love our siblings and some close friends this way.
Romantic love is the eros type of love. Now this type of love is not all physical as one might assume. No, eros love is a deep, abiding love that grows deeper (hopefully) in time. It is a giving love and sometimes must keep no giving even when the other does not receive that same level of love in return.
Now Agape love is perfect love. In John 3:16 we read "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
this is a snapshot of Agape kind of love. It is the kind of love that expects nothing in return; has no ulterior motive; and is perfect. It is the kind of love we only see between God and man.
What Paul and John have to say about love is that we need to strive toward Agape love, that perfect love.
We may never attain it since we are not perfect ourselves. But we are to work toward it. The more the Holy Spirit lives in you, the more you will see this kind of love played out in your daily life.
May you meditate on this kind of love and ask God to help you live out the attributes of it as Paul and John have laid out for us to follow.
Starting with verse 4 he says "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails." NIV
I John vs 10-11 "This is love; not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another."
then in vs 16 we read "And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God and God in him." vd 17 "In this way, love is made complete among us...." vs 18 There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love."
When one reads the word "love" in the Bible, one must understand which meaning is being used.
There is love as a friend loves (phileo love.)
There is love as a man and wife loves (eros love.)
And then there is the love that is unconditional love (agape love.)
We can think of these types of love as shallow, deep, and perfect.
Some relationships we have will remain as phileo type of love. We love our siblings and some close friends this way.
Romantic love is the eros type of love. Now this type of love is not all physical as one might assume. No, eros love is a deep, abiding love that grows deeper (hopefully) in time. It is a giving love and sometimes must keep no giving even when the other does not receive that same level of love in return.
Now Agape love is perfect love. In John 3:16 we read "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
this is a snapshot of Agape kind of love. It is the kind of love that expects nothing in return; has no ulterior motive; and is perfect. It is the kind of love we only see between God and man.
What Paul and John have to say about love is that we need to strive toward Agape love, that perfect love.
We may never attain it since we are not perfect ourselves. But we are to work toward it. The more the Holy Spirit lives in you, the more you will see this kind of love played out in your daily life.
May you meditate on this kind of love and ask God to help you live out the attributes of it as Paul and John have laid out for us to follow.
Friday, October 8, 2010
The Potter and the Clay
Isaiah 64:8 "We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand."
Wow! What a relief to know that we are just the clay! It is God who is the potter. It is God who takes responsibility for molding us, shaping us, designing who we will become. Like the clay the potter uses to make works of art and useful vessels, we too must go through a similar process. Sometimes we have to be torn apart so that an imperfection can be taken out and we can be reshaped. Like the clay, we, too must be shaped and molded. Like the clay, we, too must go through the fire to be hardened. God allows us to go through all kinds of trials (fires) in order to perfect us and to make us useful for his purposes. We aren't to say to the potter "why are you making me this way?" Our job is to submit, to be pliable and to humble ourselves so that the Potter can have his way with us.
I challenge you today to humble yourself before the Potter (God.) Only then can He begin to shape you into what He wants you to be.
Wow! What a relief to know that we are just the clay! It is God who is the potter. It is God who takes responsibility for molding us, shaping us, designing who we will become. Like the clay the potter uses to make works of art and useful vessels, we too must go through a similar process. Sometimes we have to be torn apart so that an imperfection can be taken out and we can be reshaped. Like the clay, we, too must be shaped and molded. Like the clay, we, too must go through the fire to be hardened. God allows us to go through all kinds of trials (fires) in order to perfect us and to make us useful for his purposes. We aren't to say to the potter "why are you making me this way?" Our job is to submit, to be pliable and to humble ourselves so that the Potter can have his way with us.
I challenge you today to humble yourself before the Potter (God.) Only then can He begin to shape you into what He wants you to be.
Working Together
Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 12:12 and following "The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts;
and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ. For we were all baptized by one Spirit into one body.... Now the body is not made up of one part but of many."
Do you ever feel insignificant? I know I do. With my work schedule being so erratic I'm not able to be involved in ministries of my local church. Sometimes that makes me feel like I'm not doing my part, that I'm just a bench warmer. I have tried singing in the choir, playing trumpet in an ensemble, playing handbells, and working in AWANA, but for the past year I haven't been able to be involved in anything. All I can do (and that even sporatically) is to attend worship or sometimes even Wednesday night Bible study. Its easy to think that I'm not a contributing member of this body of believers. But I can only do what I'm able to do.
It can be easy to be envious of others who do so much and to think "Why can't I do those things?" I've got expericnce doing video production, playing instruments,and even singing so why can't I have the privilige of participating in those kinds of things at church? Why are these talents being put on the sidelines?
Well I don't have the answer to those questions right now. Perhaps you don't feel you have anything to offer, no special abilities. But Paul tells us that everyone is important to the body. Ever stub your toe? The whole body feels that pain believe you me! I wouldn't want to be without my thumbs or for that matter any of my fingers. Though one is uniquely different from the other, they are all needed and important.
Can you pray? Can you write notes of encouragement? Can you greet others with a smile?
Though these kinds of things might not seem important, they surely are.
Everyone can be a part of the body. Ask God to reveal to you today how you can contribute.
We all work together be it visible or not. If you think you have to be noticed to be a part of the church then I ask you, who are you doing it for? If you are wanting attention or applause then perhaps you need to check your motivation. Everything we do should be for God's glory and for His purposes to build His kingdom.
and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ. For we were all baptized by one Spirit into one body.... Now the body is not made up of one part but of many."
Do you ever feel insignificant? I know I do. With my work schedule being so erratic I'm not able to be involved in ministries of my local church. Sometimes that makes me feel like I'm not doing my part, that I'm just a bench warmer. I have tried singing in the choir, playing trumpet in an ensemble, playing handbells, and working in AWANA, but for the past year I haven't been able to be involved in anything. All I can do (and that even sporatically) is to attend worship or sometimes even Wednesday night Bible study. Its easy to think that I'm not a contributing member of this body of believers. But I can only do what I'm able to do.
It can be easy to be envious of others who do so much and to think "Why can't I do those things?" I've got expericnce doing video production, playing instruments,and even singing so why can't I have the privilige of participating in those kinds of things at church? Why are these talents being put on the sidelines?
Well I don't have the answer to those questions right now. Perhaps you don't feel you have anything to offer, no special abilities. But Paul tells us that everyone is important to the body. Ever stub your toe? The whole body feels that pain believe you me! I wouldn't want to be without my thumbs or for that matter any of my fingers. Though one is uniquely different from the other, they are all needed and important.
Can you pray? Can you write notes of encouragement? Can you greet others with a smile?
Though these kinds of things might not seem important, they surely are.
Everyone can be a part of the body. Ask God to reveal to you today how you can contribute.
We all work together be it visible or not. If you think you have to be noticed to be a part of the church then I ask you, who are you doing it for? If you are wanting attention or applause then perhaps you need to check your motivation. Everything we do should be for God's glory and for His purposes to build His kingdom.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
God's Natural World: Facing Giants
God's Natural World: Facing Giants: "Just finished watching the movie 'Facing the Giants.' If you haven't seen it then you should. David faced giants. Yes I said 'giants.' O..."
Facing Giants
Just finished watching the movie "Facing the Giants." If you haven't seen it then you should.
David faced giants. Yes I said "giants." Oh, I know he killed Golliath with a sling and a stone.
The story is found in 1 Samuel 17. The Philistine army is taunting the army of Israel with a giant
name Goliath. Just his name sounds ominous, doesn't it? This was one bad dude! David was just a
teenager but God had been giving him skill as a shepherd. When you are a shepherd you have to fill your time doing something. Those dumb old sheep wander off and fall over and just are a handful but I'm sure there were times when the sheep were grazing contently beside quiet streams (read Psalm 23).
David had lots of practice time with a sling and those river stones. He had even defended his sheep from wild animals with it! But a bear is one thing and a humongous giant is another, especially when he's making fun of you and of your God! David had faith, not just in his ability to sling a stone, but in God whom he knew could do the seemingly impossible. The garb of a soldier just didn't feel right on him and constricted his movements so he went out to face Goliath with no protection other than God Almighty.
Note in vs 37 that David gives God the glory for helping him fight off both the bear and the lion who attacked his sheep. David knew where his abilities came from and he wanted king Saul to know it too!
The smooth stones he chose could possibly travel up to 100 miles per hour by someone with his skill.
And since he chose 5 stones don't think that he didn't know that only one of them would be necessary.
Goliath wasn't the only giant the Philitines had in their arsenal. It is very likely that David counted on killing not one but 5 giants that day. Even before he slung the stone at the giant, David knew that God would give the victory. He was going in God's strength and knew that God would do what he would do with whatever David had to give Him. David gave God his all, not just on that day but for his life. Sure, David made mistakes and David sinned greatly later in his life, but God still said that David was a man after his own heart.
What are the giants that you face today?
Let me tell you some of the giants that I've faced.
Failure. I've been fired from more jobs than I care to talk about. Failure in relationships with my wife and children.
Fear. I've been afraid of failure and afraid of success. Fear of making the wrong decisions.
Not living up to expectations of others and of myself.
I want to remind you today that you don't have to face your "giants" with your own strength.
Whatever you have be it small or great, give it to God and see what He will do with it.
Imperfect as each of us are God can and will use us to bring glory and honor to Him IF we allow it.
Humble yourself to Him today. Come to him and confess your imperfections, your weaknesses, your fears.
Give it to Him daily and see just how God can bless it to feed multitudes.
Remember Jesus took 5 loaves and 2 fish and fed 5000 men with it with basketfuls left over!
Just think what he can do with what you have to give. He will use it to bless others and to bring them to himself. Lay it all at the foot of the cross. Die to self for it is in dying that we live.
David faced giants. Yes I said "giants." Oh, I know he killed Golliath with a sling and a stone.
The story is found in 1 Samuel 17. The Philistine army is taunting the army of Israel with a giant
name Goliath. Just his name sounds ominous, doesn't it? This was one bad dude! David was just a
teenager but God had been giving him skill as a shepherd. When you are a shepherd you have to fill your time doing something. Those dumb old sheep wander off and fall over and just are a handful but I'm sure there were times when the sheep were grazing contently beside quiet streams (read Psalm 23).
David had lots of practice time with a sling and those river stones. He had even defended his sheep from wild animals with it! But a bear is one thing and a humongous giant is another, especially when he's making fun of you and of your God! David had faith, not just in his ability to sling a stone, but in God whom he knew could do the seemingly impossible. The garb of a soldier just didn't feel right on him and constricted his movements so he went out to face Goliath with no protection other than God Almighty.
Note in vs 37 that David gives God the glory for helping him fight off both the bear and the lion who attacked his sheep. David knew where his abilities came from and he wanted king Saul to know it too!
The smooth stones he chose could possibly travel up to 100 miles per hour by someone with his skill.
And since he chose 5 stones don't think that he didn't know that only one of them would be necessary.
Goliath wasn't the only giant the Philitines had in their arsenal. It is very likely that David counted on killing not one but 5 giants that day. Even before he slung the stone at the giant, David knew that God would give the victory. He was going in God's strength and knew that God would do what he would do with whatever David had to give Him. David gave God his all, not just on that day but for his life. Sure, David made mistakes and David sinned greatly later in his life, but God still said that David was a man after his own heart.
What are the giants that you face today?
Let me tell you some of the giants that I've faced.
Failure. I've been fired from more jobs than I care to talk about. Failure in relationships with my wife and children.
Fear. I've been afraid of failure and afraid of success. Fear of making the wrong decisions.
Not living up to expectations of others and of myself.
I want to remind you today that you don't have to face your "giants" with your own strength.
Whatever you have be it small or great, give it to God and see what He will do with it.
Imperfect as each of us are God can and will use us to bring glory and honor to Him IF we allow it.
Humble yourself to Him today. Come to him and confess your imperfections, your weaknesses, your fears.
Give it to Him daily and see just how God can bless it to feed multitudes.
Remember Jesus took 5 loaves and 2 fish and fed 5000 men with it with basketfuls left over!
Just think what he can do with what you have to give. He will use it to bless others and to bring them to himself. Lay it all at the foot of the cross. Die to self for it is in dying that we live.
Leaving a Legacy
What kind of legacy will you leave?
How will you be remembered once you are dead and gone?
The actions you take now affect the way you will be remembered years from now.
Take time to tell your parents if they are still living what they have meant to you.
Honor them and you will receive a blessing as well.
In Luke 12: vs 16 and following Jesus tells the parable of the rich fool.
"The ground of a certain rich man produced a good crop. He thought to himself, What shall I do? I have no place to store my crops."
Then he said "This is what I will do. I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and there I will store up all my grain and goods."
vs 20 But God said to him, "You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?"
Do you think that the blessings God has bestowed upon you are just for you to enjoy? If so, you are mistaken. I see this lived out every time I get a little more in my check, there's always someone who is in need of it. Freely give and freely it will be given unto you.
Ecclesiates 11:1 says "Cast your bread upon the waters, for after many days you will find it again."
Sounds like something out of a fortune cookie doesn't it?
Its been said that an open hand freely gives and freely receives, but a closed hand cannot receive.
The Dead Sea only takes in water. There is no outlet and thus the salt content is too much for any plant or animal to live there. Yet the Sea of Galilee is teaming with life since it receives water but also gives it out again.
So what kind of legacy/life will you have? Will others remember you as being a giver or will you be
like the character of Ebenezer Scrooge in Charles Dicken's book "A Christmas Carol?"
Matthew 6:19-21 reminds us "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."
How will you be remembered once you are dead and gone?
The actions you take now affect the way you will be remembered years from now.
Take time to tell your parents if they are still living what they have meant to you.
Honor them and you will receive a blessing as well.
In Luke 12: vs 16 and following Jesus tells the parable of the rich fool.
"The ground of a certain rich man produced a good crop. He thought to himself, What shall I do? I have no place to store my crops."
Then he said "This is what I will do. I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and there I will store up all my grain and goods."
vs 20 But God said to him, "You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?"
Do you think that the blessings God has bestowed upon you are just for you to enjoy? If so, you are mistaken. I see this lived out every time I get a little more in my check, there's always someone who is in need of it. Freely give and freely it will be given unto you.
Ecclesiates 11:1 says "Cast your bread upon the waters, for after many days you will find it again."
Sounds like something out of a fortune cookie doesn't it?
Its been said that an open hand freely gives and freely receives, but a closed hand cannot receive.
The Dead Sea only takes in water. There is no outlet and thus the salt content is too much for any plant or animal to live there. Yet the Sea of Galilee is teaming with life since it receives water but also gives it out again.
So what kind of legacy/life will you have? Will others remember you as being a giver or will you be
like the character of Ebenezer Scrooge in Charles Dicken's book "A Christmas Carol?"
Matthew 6:19-21 reminds us "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."
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