Sunday, October 31, 2010

Holy, Holy, Holy

In the 1960's there was a TV show called "Batman." Batman's sidekick in crime fighting was named Robin.
Robin would often use the word "holy" to help describe their predicaments.  He might say something like "holy cow" or "holy jigsaw" or something else just as silly.  Well today I'm not discussing that use of the word.  Today I want us to think about God and what things are "Holy."  We sometimes have our "Holy Bibles" around the house.  Growing up we were taught to treat our Bibles with respect, with honor and with reverence.  When I got married the preacher stated at the beginning that we were coming before God in "Holy Matrimony."  And yet all too often we forget that marriage is a "Holy" union.  In Exodus 3:5 Moses has an encouter with God at the burning bush.  God tells Moses to take off his sandals for he is standing on holy ground.  The ground was not holy in and of itself.  No.  It was made holy by the divine presence of God.  The Bible says that Holy means Hallowed.  Jesus when teaching his disciples to pray says "Hallowed be thy name" when speaking to his heavenly Father.  Even Jesus is recognizing God the Father as Holy and He is His One and only Son! In Revelation 15 we see that God alone is Holy.  In fact, he is the most Holy, He is Holy, Holy, Holy (Revelation 4:8.)  Now for something to be Holy it has to be set apart, special, consecrated and used for worship.  It also must be flawless.  If God had any speck of sin, any fault of any kind, he would not be Holy.  Everything God touches must be holy or become holy.  When we are washed by the blood of Jesus, we become "white as snow."  We become holy.  It is the only way we can come before a holy God.  Jesus was the perfect lamb, the perfect sacrifice. He had to be without sin and that is why he was born of a virgin with the Holy Spirit impregnating Mary.  If Jesus is only a man, then he could not be the atoning sacrifice for our sin.  When we come before God in a marriage commitment we are coming before Him on Holy ground and asking Him to make our marriage holy, without blemish. That is why the bride wears white.  She is supposed to be spotless, a virgin, kept only for her husband and for him alone.
This is also why we are to keep the sabbath day Holy.  It is to be set apart for worship and rest from work.
So I challenge you today to be made Holy.  Set yourself apart for worship.  Be made spotless, cleansed from sin.  And treat your marriage as Holy as well.  Protect it from blemish.  Guard it with all you have.
Cherish your spouse and hold your spouse in special honor.  Most of all give to God what is due.
Come into the Holy of holies and worship Him.

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