Monday, October 11, 2010

Don't Shipwreck Your Faith!

Do you ever feel your life is being tossed about like a bobber on the ocean?  That out of control feeling isn't pleasant but I've been there a few times in my life.  Sometimes circumstances come at us relentlessly so that we can't even catch a breath! Lately, that's what its been like in my family.  We have jokingly said that we have a "car demon" wreaking havoc in our family.  First I have an accident, then Darlene's car has an altenator and battery go out, then Bethany puts her car in the ditch, and Darlene's car takes on a deer and loses, and Connie's car needs work on it as well!!!   It's been just one thing after another hitting us real hard financially!  Whew!
And now we have a physical ailment type of demon striking both Darlene, Connie, and Darlene's mom!!!
Times of testing and trial surely are among us.  But I'm sure many of you are going through similar circumstances.  It seems as though the more we live for God, the more trouble comes our way.  Well what did you think your life would be like once you started living for God anyway?  The Bible clearly tells us that we will face trials. James 1:2-4 "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perserverance.  Perserverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."
vs 12 "Blessed is the man who perseveres under tial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him."

Back in the sixties there was a song out entitled "I didn't promise you a rose garden."
Neither did Christ!
Thankfully, though,  there are times of gentle sailing and of soft, warm breezes moving us along.
God does want us to enjoy life and enjoy the world He has made for us.  I don't want to leave you with the thought that God is out to get you.  No, just the opposite.  The Bible says that if God is for us, who can be against us?  Well, Satan certainly is against us.  He wants to destroy everything good that God has made and he often offers us a counterfit instead.  Like a counterfit bill, though, it never delivers the real thing.
Let me encourage you to perservere; to keep on keeping on and to keep walking by faith, step by step.

My pastor, Mark Roberts, has been doing a Sunday evening Bible study in the book of Acts.  Last night he was in Chapter 26 and 27 speaking of Paul going to Rome (in chains) and being shipwrecked in the process.
In the story of the shipwreck it speaks of them putting down four anchors. Anchors on a ship help keep it in place so that it won't be tossed into the rocks.  Likewise, Scripture gives us four anchors so that we can keep steady in the storms.

1.  Psalm 45:6 "your throne O God is forever and ever."
      We know that God is timeless and that not only is He with us, ruling and reigning on the throne in our present but He is also in our future, too!

2.  Matthew 16:18 The gates of hell will not prvail against the Church.
      Surely we are under attack by Satan, but this reference is speaking of the Church of Christ attacking the very gates of Hell and knowing that those gates cannot and will not prevail against us moving forward as a Church.

3.  1 Peter 1:24,25  "All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the Word of the Lord stands forever."
We can always depend on God's Word (Bible.)  Also John speaks of the living Word, Jesus.  He, too, will stand forever!!!

4.  Hebrews 6:19  " We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure."  What is this "hope?"
It is the hope (certainty) of etermal life.  When the Bible speaks of "hope" its not a hope so or wish so kind of hope.  No!!!  This hope is a surety; a peace; a knowing that God is working things out for his glory and cares very much for the least of us on up.

Next time you are on a boat ride I hope you have calm seas and a gentle wind at your back.

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