Wednesday, April 18, 2012

What kind of soil are you?

I'd like to retell a story that Jesus told his followers. In Matthew Chapter 13 vss 3-9 Jesus tells the story about a farmer sowing seed. It goes like this:
Now a farmer went out to sow some seed. As he was scattering the seed some fell along the path. Now a path is kinda hard dirt. Its worn by many years by many feet walking on it and the wheels of charriots on it too. So its no surprise that the seed that fell on the path didn't take root at all and was quickly eatten up by some birds even before any rain could hit it and give it the least bit of a chance to grow.
Now some of this seed happen to fall along rocky places. I don't know about you but rocky areas may collect a little dirt but you can't count on it to grow much but weeds! The seed did grow some but since the roots couldn't go very deep the plants that grew withered when the sun beat down on them. You see, they needed moisture and deep roots to withstand the weather and rocky places just aren't very good for that.
Some of this seed did grow in one area, but unfortunately there were weeds and thorns that grew up right along with it and they choked the plants from getting a chance to thrive. You see, plants need room to grow and they can't become what they were meant to be if they are restricted from their potential.
Finally!!! Some seed fell on good soil that had been plowed up and fertilized and had good watering!!! These seed grew up and then do you know what they did? These plants produced seed and lots of it! Now it might have been corn or it might have been wheat. What kind we really don't know and to be truthful it really doesn't matter.

Many times I've heard sermons about this and the focus is always on the seed producing fruit or not. I'd like to change the focus a bit this time around on the type of soil the seed fell on. Are you living your life in such a way that nothing positive can work its way in and do any good?
Or maybe you are rocky and maybe God's word can't go very deep because you don't give it much of a chance. You might hear it and you might even pay attention and agree with it but religion is best left at church and on Sundays and it just can't be expected to be applied to every day living.
Maybe you are the kind of person who tryies so hard to live right and really wants to be a Christian but you are trying to do it in your own strength. Oh you might offer up a prayer or two when things get tough but its just not for every day living and when things do get rough you give up on God and fall out of going to church and reading the Bible. The troubles of this life are like thorns and weeds that choke out the truth of God's love.
Then there are those few (yes few for the road is narrow and few there are that find it) who accept Christ and all He offers willingly. They pray often and search the Bible for what God would have to say to them. They look to God daily for guidance and have a deep, abiding relationship with Him. No, their life isn't perfect and sometimes they don't do everything the way they shojld. But their lives are spent trusting Jesus to guide them and provide for them. They know they can depend on God, not to judge them for every misstep, but to love them when even they don't deserve it.
As they thrive in God's grace daily there are many whose lives are affected in a positive way and it is obvious that God is working in their lives consitently to make them more like Him!
So I ask you, which kind of soil are you? Today I challenge you to trust Him fully for everything you need. He made you and designed you for a purpose and wants to bless you not for your own glory or recognition but for His!!!

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