Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Two Becoming One

Here's a riddle for you.
When does one plus one not equal two?
If you guessed marriage then you were right!
Marriage is quite a mysterious thing.  Each partner
retains his or her own personality and character traits
and yet they come together to be united as one in Holy
Matrimony.  As we grow in our marriage relationship
we are continuing to meld as one, to think alike, to know when
something is wrong with the other, and to unite our souls
and purpose together as one.  The uniting as one doesn't happen
at the altar.  No, it happens moment by moment and day by day.
Much of the time we don't even recognize it but it happens just the same.
As we grow closer in our relationship to God we can't help but grow
closer to one another.
Likewise if the two who have become one get torn apart by death, or divorce there
is a not so neat and very painful occurance.  You see when this happens you leave a
part of yourself with that other person.  It is litteraly like tearing a piece of cloth
that has been woven together to be one whole fabric.  We lose parts of ourselves
because we were once one with the other.  Having gone through divorce I have
first hand knowledge of this.  Its as if a part of you dies or is missing.
Divorce and death litteraly hit us at the core of our being and it is a long
and difficult process to heal.
So I ask you again. What does one plus one plus God equal?
Eventually it all equals ONE!!!  For our ultimate destiny is to be ONE
with God and with each other.
Think back today and reflect on how God is making you one with your
marriage partner and one with Him.


  1. I know I am not whole or complete without my wife. What a good post!!

  2. I am so blessed God gave you to me to be one! I love you!
