Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Seeing Clearly

Without my glasses I can't see things very clearly.  Oh, I can still make things out to some extent but things close up like reading this computer screen or trying to read road signs or even sermon notes on the big screen in church is a challenge without my bi-focals. 
Sometimes in life we can't seem to see how God is working in and through
 our circumstances. Though we've prayed and seek answers we can only
see a portion as if pieces of the puzzle are missing.  Paul spoke of this in
1 Corinthians 13 verse12 "Now we see but a poor reflection
as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face." NIV
The King James version says it this way
For now we see through a glass, darkly, but then face to face: now I know
 in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known."

Recently Darlene and I have been going through a time of testing it seems.
  One thing after another is being thrown at us.  My car wreck, her infection,
 her altenator going out, her children having problems, and the list just goes
on and on.
The other day we were watching the DVD "Love Comes Softly"
 based on the
 book by Janette Oke, a Christian fiction writer.  In this movie
set during the wagon trail days there is a Christian man who has
 a daughter. 
There is also a young woman who has just moved out west with her
husband when unexpectedly he has a tragic accident and dies. 
The man takes this widow into his house as his wife and in time
she comes to love him.
In the movie his barn burns down and she asks him where was
God when his wife died and his barn burned and how could
such a loving God let these bad things happen.  He tells her that
 even if he were
walking along with his daughter she could still get hurt. He didn't
 cause her to get
hurt but he loves her and takes care of her and helps her to heal.
  He helps her to
 see that God is there with us when the bad times come.
Even when we think God hasn't answered our prayers, He is still
 at work to provide
 for our needs and to help us get through the bad times. Faith is
 trusting Him to work
 things out instead of us trying to make things work out.

 These two photos of Mabry Mill located on the Blueridge Parkway in Virginia
illustrate my point.
On the left is a blurry image of the mill. One can make out the basic outline but
can't see details clearly.
The image on the right is clear and sharp and one can make out the details much
better (that is IF I am wearing my bi-focals, ha ha.)

My prayer for you today is to keep on trusting in Jesus.  He will NEVER leave you
 nor forsake you.
Do you trust him to keep his promises?  Remember, He never fails for He is God Almighty!!!


  1. your words and pictures are very inspiring gives hope. God bless you guys

  2. Thank you John.
    Please take time to view my web site at sfaucette.zenfolio.com
    also find me on facebook
