Tuesday, October 5, 2010

My Favorite Season

Well its fall now and the cooler temperatures sure are welcome.  Soon the leaves will be changing and I'm looking forward to quite a color show this year.  I suppose everyone has their favorite season of the year and for me fall is right up there at the top.  However, I'd have to say spring is my all time favorite season of the year despite the allergies that come with it.  The wildflowers are what I anticipate every year starting in March.  Bloodroots are one of the first to come up and to me they have got to be the most beautiful of any I see.  Sure, there are more colorful ones and I do enjoy finding the Trilliums, Indian Pinks and others which paint the forest floor.  But I'd have to say the Bloodroots have something going for them very special.  Though they are just plain white in color with a dabble of yellow in the middle their beauty comes in the elegance of their petals.  No two are the same it seems.  This past spring my buddy Tim Ellenburg helped me find a forest full of them in the South Carolina Botanical Gardens Arboretum.

Ecclesiates 3 tells us "There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven...."
For my wildflowers the season is a short one.  They aren't called ephemerals for no reason.  They come up and bloom and before you know it they are gone until  the next year.  That is one reason I enjoy going for hikes often in the spring.  Each day I get out and find something I didn't find just a few days earlier.  The anticipation is quite exciting and when I find something unusual well that really makes my day!

Perhaps spring is your favorite season too or perhaps its some other season.  Enjoy it while it lasts!

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