Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Pray Without Ceasing

P ositive
R eassuring
A ction
Y ielding
E ternal
R esults

Do you ever wish you could have a heart to heart talk with God about things?  If you are like me you've wanted to ask God about certain things. 
"Why did you have to create fire ants?"  might be one such question
"What good is cudzu?"  might be another
or perhaps your questions would go a bit deeper than that?
"Why is there so much suffering and why do good people (people who try to live for you) have illness such as cancer, etc.?

Well this could go on all day I suppose but I just wanted to get you to think about it for a minute or two.
The fact is that we don't have all the answers.  Even the most knowledgable theologians can't figure God out and have questions of their own. 

In the book of Job, Job is suffering and longs to meet face to face with God to get some understanding.
When God does speak, Job can't bring an answer to God's questions of him.  He realizes that God's ways are "too wonderful for me to know." (Job 42:3 NIV)

I want you to know its ok to ask God questions.  Its ok to not understand everything or why certain things happen.  God wants us to come to Him and talk things over.   Jesus even took time to pray to His Heavenly Father.  He agonized about going through with the crucifixion. (Luke 22:42)
We are to pray without ceasing.  When we rise, thank God for a new day filled with new opportunities.
We are to thank God for our food.  We are to ask God for safe travels as we go on our way.  We are to pray for boldness to witness and for opportunities to do so.  We are to pray for our leaders to make the right decisions.  We are to pray for those who have needs.  We are to pray for people who do not know Christ as their Savior to come to Christ.  Pray for our children to grow in their faith and to do their best in school.  We are to pray for our children to make good choices in their future mate. 
John 14:13,14 "I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it." NIV

Sometimes the answer to our prayers may be "not now", "no", or "YES!"  God knows what is best for us and we are to align our prayers to what brings glory to God.  Our prayers can be of confession of sin too.
We should ask God for forgiveness with a repentant heart.  One such prayer is in the book of Daniel chapter 9 where Daniel and his friends are in exile in the pagan land of Babylon.  Daniel already had a good relationship with God but here he prays in confession and in repentance for the whole of Israel.
In Chapter 10 an angel comes to Daniel and explains that he has come in response to Daniel's prayers but was detained from coming sooner because of a battle with a "prince of the Persian kingdom."  We can assume here that no mortal man was detaining the angel but a powerful demonic force.

Take time today to talk to God.  He longs to spend time with you. Read His Word, tell him all about your needs, wants, desires, failures, hopes, and dreams.  He longs to be involved in all of your life.  Then take time to be still and listen.  Wait on God to respond.  Be alert enough to know when God is speaking to you.  It may be in a song or in a radio program or through the advice and encouragement of a friend.

Remember that prayer changes things.  God is waiting patiently on you today. Come berfore the presence of the King with praise, thanksgiving, confession, humbleness, boldness, petitions, and in worship. Converse with Him often.  Get to know His voice.  Then when He speaks, you will know without doubt it is God talking.

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