Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Reflecting His Glory

Have you looked at the moon lately?  When we are apart my wife will call me on the phone and tell me to go and look at the moon because its a certain color or is so full and bright, etc.  Funny though how she can see things from her vantage point while traveling to Tennessee that I can't see from my home in South Carolina.  Sometimes I can't even see the moon while she can which was the case the other night.
Full moons are especially nice since they show so much detail of the moon surface.  Its almost as if you could reach out and touch it sometimes.  Sometimes the moon as a halo around it.  Then we know rain is coming.
If there are two full moons in a month then there is what is known as a "blue" moon.  And then there are times we have a lunar eclipse.  I've actually photographed one lunar eclipse.  Usually the sky ends up being so overcast that I can't see the eclipse, but occasionally I'm able to view one.

In Genesis 1:14  "And God said, 'Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years, and let them be lights in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth.'"  NIV

God cared for us so much that even before man had been formed from the dust He provided the sun, moon, and stars to give light and to mark seasons, days and years.  God did not want us to be in the dark!  How lonely and cold the Earth would have been without these lights.

Did you know that the moon doesn't give off its own light? No!  It only reflects the light of the sun.  But, oh, how we love that moon!  It spurs romance, affects the tides, gives us a bright light when full, and gives great excuses for crazy behavior at times!!!  But the light of the moon is just a reflection of a much greater, much more powerful source, the sun. 

Do you want to be like the moon?  Then be a reflection of God's Glory, of His Light.  May others see Jesus in you and be attracted to Jesus on account of how you live. Like the moon, there may be times that others only see a sliver of the light (like in a crescent moon.)  But keep on shining, keep on reflecting, keep on beaming God's love to others to light their way.

Lunar Eclipse

Lunar Eclipse (almost complete)

Eclipse at its fullness

Moon as seen through a telescope

Mercury and its moons
Full Moon


  1. That full moon reminds me of a bowling ball!

  2. Awesome pics!! So awesome is our God!! Thanks for sharing!
