Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Roar of Your Waterfalls

About ten years ago I began wanting to photograph waterfalls.  I had dabbled in photography before then and even won a photography contest years before.  But my Pentax ME Super was having problems and it wasn't feasible to get it repaired.  I was going through a divorce then and since I didn't have my children with me every weekend I began filling my spare time going hiking to waterfalls.  They were so beautiful and I really wanted to capture them in photographs to remember them.  So I began investigating digital cameras.  They were pricey back then even for a 3 megapixel one.  I prayed about it and promised God that if He would help me to pay for the camera that I would use it to glorify Him.  After about a month of research I purchased a Kodak 3 megapixel point and shoot camera that had a built in flash and some zoom capability.  I knew literally nothing about digital photography.  I didn't even know how I got the photos printed or  transferred from the camera to the computer!  In time I learned more about taking good photographs. I invested more money into equipment such as a tripod and eventually into a more professional camera which I could change the lenses on and add filters for taking better photos.  With the encouragement of friends at church and from people I met through the internet I finally achieved a professional look to my photos of waterfalls and even won some awards at photo contests.
Now, after 10 years of working at this craft called photography, I have gone on to photograph other things yet waterfalls are one of my favorite subjects.  There's just something peaceful about a waterfall.  To me it inspires worship.  I still don't understand how a seemingly peaceful steam can make such a gorgeous, roaring sound.  When I'm in the mountains hiking on a trail I get excited when I start to hear the roar of the water telling me that my target is nearing.
I have learned though to stay on the trail and not take every little "pig path" that seemingly leads to somewhere special.  Those little trails can be quite steep and dangerous and often times do not lead me to where I wish to go.  Life can be like that too.  Keep on track. Don't veer off or get distracted by what seems to be a "shortcut."  God's way is the way that leads to life everlasting.  His way brings delight.  Stick to His guidance, to his path.  Satan will attempt to distract you with his "shortcuts."  Don't follow them!!!
They only lead to heartache and delay you from being fulfilled, to being the person God wishes you to be and to enjoy all His blessings in His time.

Psalm 42:1,2 "As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God."

May your soul thirst for God and may you follow the path that leads to everlasting life.

1 comment:

  1. Well Steven, I can assure you God has also given you not only the gift of photography but of writing and I commend you on your beginning of a new blog which show you are glorifying God not only with picture but with words of praise, along with a sermon for whomever will read and hear! God Bless!
